
Vase by pottery factory De Distel from Amsterdam, model 115 by Cornelis de Bruin


Vase by Plateelfabriek De Distel from Amsterdam, model 115 of 22.5 cm high by Cornelis de Bruin

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This vase was made by the Dutch pottery factory De Distel from Amsterdam, in the period 1895-1904. This is model 115, a vase with a short and rounded neck. The vase is 22.5 cm (8.8 inch) high and 10.5 cm (4.1 inch) wide. It is painted in a decoration with yellow flowers and green leaves. The vase has a great colour palette in blue, green and yellow. The vase is well signed. You can see the factory name: Distel. A reference to the model and the decoration: 115/1 and the signature of Cornelis de Bruin (CdB) The vase is in good condition. The glaze does have some ugly spots here and there. These spots are not caused by damage, but where the result of the firing proces during manufacturing (spots of missing glaze is common for Distel pottery).

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